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Graphs and Figures

This category contains 5 posts

GREAT charts! (not numbers, but, whatever)


How much in taxes??

Graphing advice

How to Make Truly Terrible Graphs: A Tutorial David L. Streiner, special guest contributor and co-author of excellent statistics texts Part 3 – 3D or not 3D In the two last blogs, we learned the first steps in making truly terrible graphs: by confusing the role of a visual with that of a table, and by […]

Michaelis-Menten grapher

http://www.physiologyweb.com/calculators/michaelis_menten_equation_interactive_graph.html Physiology.web often has very useful calculators and explanations.  Their interactive Michaelis Menten equation grapher is a very nice way to explore what can be a difficult concept to grasp.

Graphing advice

How to Make Truly Terrible Graphs: A Tutorial David L. Streiner, special guest contributor and co-author of excellent statistics texts Part 2: Pie in the Sky To really screw up visual presentations, use a pie chart. Even better, use two or more of them.   In my last blog, we learned the first step in making […]

Birth of the Blog

This blog, like the book Lab Math from which it springs (incompletely formed), will be about numbers. I will endeavor to:

1. showcase the basic and the practical, not the challenging or even the advanced;

2.. provide straightforward guidance for the unenthusiastic (“just do it exactly this way”);

3.. provide refreshers for those needing refreshment (whether they know it or not.)