Who would have thought that you can predict the number of drivers killed in collisions by monitoring US crude oil imports from Norway. Actually, shockingly, this one of those correlation vs causation things. Check out the excellent collection kept by Tyler Vigen at: Spurious correlations (thanks to Dr. David Streiner for alerting us to […]
A recent article, curiously enough in the Styles section of the New York Times, had the title: Statisticians 10, Poets 0. The article was about the growing number of numbers reported to “us” (an undefined population, but apparently we all use apps and watch cable TV). Poets 0 refers to the paucity of poetry. With […]
Flashy new techniques get a lot of press, sometimes deservedly so: technical breakthroughs often lead to breakthroughs in understanding as well. But in the struggle for game-changing insights and the fame (funding) they bring, the tried, and more importantly true, gets lost in the shuffle. The person who has to teach the intro class is pitied, […]